Dear Campmeeting Friend,
I have a friend who concludes all his emails with the complimentary closing, “Press On!” I like that.
I’ve always thought Jeff is alluding St. Paul’s words in Philippians, and that may be. But today I am thinking of the Hebrews author’s use of the phrase in 6:1,2. What’s interesting to me is that not only does he tell us what to “press on” to, but also, what to leave behind—the elementary teaching about the Christ. And then, he clearly names what those elementary teachings are: “not laying again”— 1) a foundation of repentance from dead works, 2) of faith toward God, 3) of instruction about washings (baptism?), 4) and laying on of hands, 5) and the resurrection of the dead, 6) and eternal judgement.
Now, I don’t want to discount any of those teachings. But I am taken with the idea that they are characterized as “elementary,” “first things,” if you will. Evidently, there’s more!
Back to verse one—we are to “press on to maturity ….” There it is. In vv. 4-8, the author describes some of the issues for those who have NOT pressed on to maturity—and it’s not pretty. But I love what he says in v. 9, “But beloved, we are convinced of better things concerning you”! (exclamation point, mine).
I am excited about those “better things!” That’s the “pressing” I want to do! So, my campmeeting friend, let me invite you to join the “press on” journey toward better things at Sebring Camp this summer. You know, we are all called to that journey for the rest of our lives.
The world—let alone many of us who have been called out of it—is messing with a whole lot of elementary things in these times. It sometimes seems like maturity, much like common sense, is not so common. So, join me, will you? Join the campmeeting crowd and together we’ll—PRESS ON!
See you at Campmeeting time!
Charles A. Nutt
1602 Linda Drive
Clinton, Mississippi 39056